2nd thing...he was able to communicate through a situation without one meltdown/tantrum or crying spell.
-He got ski out of the fridge and handed it to me along with the bottle. I got the milk out, put it in his sippy and he shock his head no and said "no, ki" as he handed me the bottle again. I said "NO BABA", poured the milk back into the jug and put ski in his sippy. He took the sippy from my hand, walked off and drank all that was in the cup (1/2 way filled) and then came back, handed me his sippy and got the ski back out and handed it to me. Signed drink and please and then said "ki."
Usually the only communication you get is him only signing please and handing you his bottle. Then a tantrum follows because it wasn't the right drink he wanted. He can sign milk (when he wants it) but he can't verbalize any of the other drinks he wants and I don't know the signs to teach him.
3rd thing...he put the whole back of his head and ears into his bath water!!!! I know this sounds silly to most people but he has never laid back in the tub. He has been trying hard for the last 6 weeks to lay the back of his head in the water, as soon as the least bit touches he gets scared and jumps back up. But the other night he just did it out of the blue and loved listening to the water run into the tub. My husband, daughter and I were praising him like crazy!
4th Thing....We had our first conversation. We were coming home from school about 2 weeks ago and I asked him if he had a good day at school.
He answers, "no."
I say, "why not?"
He replies, "non know ama" (don't know mama)
5th thing...He went to the dentist yesterday to get his teeth cleaned and his check-up. After having 5 of us hold him down (while he screamed like someone was going to kill him) to brush his teeth (with a tooth brush) and have the Dentist look them over. He ended up getting a great report, all his teeth are in great shape! Which is great news and a shock to me considering I have to fight him every night to get them brushed, and I am always afraid I'm not doing a good enough job.
He is pointing to eyes and saying "eyes."
He is saying "I wike dat" and "I non't wike dat."
(I like that and I don't like that)
He can say "eat" now, instead of just signing it.
He is identifying characters/animals by pointing to them in pictures.
Although he can say "arick" (for Patrick) off of Spongebob.
He can feed himself really well with a fork now!
He has less than 2 weeks of school left before summer break and I am in the process of setting goals, making arrangements/plans until August gets here. I will try to post soon about the summer.
Woohoo! Go Christian!!