Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Christian's 2nd and 3rd Field Trips

Setting patiently.

Still didn't know I was there yet.

Christian had his first big field trip on Monday, March 28th to a swimming pool in a University. He did well until I came in and he started with meltdowns and temper tantrums. His teacher's left the Center without squish (his stuffed animal that he takes EVERYWHERE) and forgot his bottle and he was ready for lunch and his nap, which only added fuel to the fire. We went to the second location of the field trip to Mr. Gattis for pizza and things only got worse. So we left before everyone else, got his lunch, stopped by school and got his dog and went home. *Oh, and he never got in the pool but he did put his feet in a few seconds.

His field trip yesterday at an airport went much better. I didn't go fearing I would only make things worse for him. He went inside the biggest airplane, looked around and explored in the cockpit. He had a bit of tantrum as they were leaving. He was strapped in his seat on the bus (while having a fit) and his teacher said, "your in time-out."  Within 15 second she said he calmed down and was good the rest of the trip.

1 comment:

  1. Glad that he at least put his feet in the water. He will eventually settle into a school routine. Keep the faith!!!
